Family Night

Directed by Alan Dunne


An offbeat short horror film set in the winter of 1995, A pre divorce era Dublin, Ireland. It tells the story of a family forced to take part in a family night by their extremely strict father. Throughout the night, tensions build as they are forced to have dinner together, sing songs, play charades and watch a movie, all while trying to keep their father (Eoin Quinn) pleased. However, not all is as it seems in the household.


Writer – Alan Dunne
Producer – Eoin Quinn


drama, psychological thriller, horror

What We Do:
  • Festival Strategy
  • Festival Management Service
  • Script Consultancy
  • Curation
  • Workshops
  • Lectures
Find Us:

Green Ray Film Agency

C/o IndieCork Festival,

Civic Trust House,

50 Popes Quay,

Cork T23 R6XC,
